888 Linux Casino

CompatiblePoker.com888 Linux Casino

888 Linux Casino


Overall Rating:
Sign Up Ease:
Bad Beat Factor:
Payout: 97.6%
Flash / Java: Flash
888 Linux Casino
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Bonus: $200-Instantly Credited

You can expect a bonus of 100% of your deposit up to $200. We have rated this to be the best bonus for online casinos. The bonus is released as soon as you deposit. Of course, you must play a certain amount of wagered games until you can cash out the bonus. You can play with it as long as you want until you either lose it or play enough to cash it out.

Get bonus now using this link

Linux Games

Here is the list of games that Linux online casino players can choose from. Some of the games that are included in the “Download Version” for Windows are not included in the Linux games. If you want to play the download version you will have to perform a dual boot or try running Wine. We have listed how to do this at our Linux Poker section.


Caribbean Poker, Video Poker, Craps, Roulette, and a bunch of different styles of Slots

Best Attributes

Since this casino is the largest on the web they have plenty of money to put into their software. When you first go into the casino software you notice a difference. It really is superior to all the rest. The software looks so crisp and has been redone over and over to perfection.

What’s Unique

888 online casino was one of the first online casinos to allow users to chat with each other at the casino. You can talk with people from around the world while you are gambling at the online casino. The large up-front bonus is also unique.

What’s Lacking

Casino on Net which is what they are commonly referred to as does not have as many monthly promotions as does the rest. Instead of offering daily bonuses and promotions they just use a Comps program which I will discuss in the next heading

Comps Program

Every time you place a wager 888 will keep track of this. For every dollar you wager you will get a piece of it back in what they call Comp points. These points can then be turned into cash and you are free to do what you want with it.

Payouts Per Game

Game Payout
Average 97.62%
Black Jack 98.54%
Video Poker 98%
Craps 97.11%
Roulette 96.81%
Caribbean Poker 97%
Pai Gow 97%

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