February 2006 Archives

Feb 28, 2006
Pot odds made easy

Knowing Your Pot Odds
Let’s face it, not everyone is very good at math.  Some of the best poker players in the world can calculate odds in a matter of seconds.  Figuring out pot odds can mean calculating percentages and multiply decimals and all that weird stuff.

Fortunately for you’ve we’ve simplified the theory and formulas for pot odds and now even the mathematically challenged can figure out pot odds.  Of course we added in the tough stuff as well for you geniuses who want to know how the pros figure out their odds.

Here is the recent article.  Read Poker Pot Odds

Feb 18, 2006
How to play Ace King

Playing Ace King / NL Texas Holdem

It seems you hear more players complaining about how they hate AK than anything.  The complaints are about how they always lose with ace king in tournaments.  Of course they could be really unlucky but most likely they’re playing it wrong.

When playing AK your goal should be to force your opponents into tough decisions.  You want them to fold pre-flop.  If you are called you will likely be in a race situation.  Calling all-ins with AK is usually a no-no.

Because playing AK is so important I’ve written an article about how pros play Ace King.

How to play Ace King

Feb 14, 2006
Making Money at Home Games

It seems everyone has a home game these days. Home games are meant to be a fun and relaxing time but there is no reason you can’t make them very profitable.

Here are some tips you should pay attention to when playing home games.

1.Tells will be your biggest money maker-If you haven’t read any books on tells I suggest you do if you want to make a lot of money at home games. Most of the people playing home games play once a week if that.If they do play more than that they play online.People who rarely play exert tells out of every part of their body.If you know what to look for you can feel like a mind reader.Here are some great sources for tells.

Mike Caro’s free video tells clips
Our Live Poker Tells section

2.Bring you own cards- This may sound like paranoia but you would be surprised how many home game decks are rigged.Because nobody really would think that there are cheaters at their own home game it makes it so easy for people to do it.Watch out for marked cards and potentially two players stacking the deck for each other.

3. Don’t drink too much- Of course you’re there to have some fun but if you want to win some money you have to be sober.Drinking makes you play too loose and you will eventually find yourself re-buying 3 or 4 times.

Using these three little tips will help you enormously in winning lots of money at home games.

Feb 09, 2006
Pay Taxes on Poker? Yeah Right

Time to pay those taxes on poker

That’s right ladies and gentleman.You are required to pay taxes on all your winnings in the .How many people actually do is a different story.

If you’re one of the few that play and win live tournaments then you will be filling out what is called a W-2G form.Of course if you have a partner, no I don’t mean a partner in crime, that stakes you then you will fill out a Form 5754.This keeps you from having to pay the full amount of your winnings while your partner gets off scotch free.In either case you have to report it on line 21 on the form 1040.

For the rest of you who just play online here is what you do.Well actually it is the same thing just a lot harder for Uncle Sam to track.Since the online poker rooms don’t declare your winnings there is no track of how much you really won.Of course if the government wanted to find out how much you won they could but there is no one reporting it.This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to pay taxes on your winnings.It’s just why a lot of people don’t pay taxes on their winnings online.We suggest you do pay your taxes.

So you’re a big time loser in the poker room?Hey you can actually deduct your losses from your income.Make sure you keep good records of where and how you lost it because it will save you some tax money come April 15th.

I hope this clears up all the misconceptions on taxes and poker.Remember even though you’re probably not going to get caught, it’s worth the peace of mind to pay your taxes.
Feb 08, 2006
Playing Poker on Tiltzky

Play on Tilt
You know who you are.  You’re the guy who gets one bad beat and you’re completely ready to throw your computer out the window.

Playing on tilt is a killer.  It takes a whole week to build your bankroll and one hour to lose it all.  I’m writing this story/ tip because of my friend who is a great player….when he’s not playing on tilt.  You know who you are.

Here are some tips to not going on tilt.

1.  Dont play if you need the money – If you’re stressed out about losing then one bad beat is sure to put you off your rocker.

2.  Dont play if you’re hungry -  Im serious.  If you’re hungry you tend to be a little edgy and easily bothered.

3. Dont play out of your league – Taking a bad beat might send you into a tail spin trying to get the money back you just lost.  If youre playing out of your league one loss is a killer to your bankroll and will send you franticlly trying to recoup.

4.  Dont play if youre feeling impatient – You just cant win if youre playing crap hands and youre being impatient.

5.  Play to win - Remember bad beats are part of the game and if you keep playing a solid game you will win it back and a lot more

Feb 04, 2006

Playing poker where you feel comfortable

Playing out of your league….

To tell you the truth you’re almost guaranteed to lose if you’re not comfortable.

Here is what will happen.  You’ll be afraid to bet properly.  What you would normally call with you will be too afraid to call if you don’t feel you have the best hand.  You’ll end of with a ton of bad beats because your raises let your opponents catch their cards.  You will never make any money because you’re just too afraid.

So play where you can afford to lose a little.  When you’re not afraid to lose that’s when you’re a force at the table and players will fear you.

Remember you play to have fun and win a little money not to wish you didnt play the next day.

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